*WEEK 5-A: Warmup - Write your own sentences using the verbs provided
*WEEK 5-B: Notes - Verbs with irregular yo forms - Notes from the board
*WEEK 5-C: ¡Tarea! HW: Etapa Preliminar Worksheet WS#7
Tues. Sep 29:
*WEEK 5-D: Warmup: Review of stem-changing verbs
Review of verbs with irregular yo form Notes: Present tense verbs with irregular yo forms
*WEEK 5-E: Etapa Preliminar Worksheet WS#18
*WEEK 5-F: ¡Tarea! HW: Etapa Preliminar Worksheet WS#9
Wed. Sep 30:
Reminder - Late Start schedule today
*WEEK 5-G: Warmup: Brainstorm words and phrases you already know for each category
*WEEK 5-H: Week 5 Vocabulary Retention page
No homework
Thurs. Oct 1:
Continue working on Vocabulary Retention page
Learn how to play Vocab Pictionary+Charades
Learn how to play Conjugation Dice
Fri. Oct 2:
*WEEK 5-I: Write your own test questions (5 - 10) following the model provided, then quiz others