SPANISH 2 MCR Final Project Rubric & Directions
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SPANISH 2 MCR Final Project Rubric & Directions
Mon. Mar 26:
• Week 29-A: Finding Nemo Day 1 - Take notes on vocabulary you learn while watching the movie, or might need for a summary • Week 29-B: Finding Nemo Day 1 - Summarize this segment of the movie in Spanish, using preterite & imperfect as needed Tues. Mar 27: • Week 29-C: Finding Nemo Day 2 - Take notes on vocabulary you learn while watching the movie, or might need for a summary • Week 29-D: Finding Nemo Day 2 - Summarize this segment of the movie in Spanish, using preterite & imperfect as needed Wed. Mar 28: • Week 29-E: Finding Nemo Day 3 - Take notes on vocabulary you learn while watching the movie, or might need for a summary • Week 29-F: Finding Nemo Day 3 - Summarize this segment of the movie in Spanish, using preterite & imperfect as needed Thurs. Mar 29: Fri. Mar 30: Mon. Mar 19:
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER TODAY • Week 28-A: Practice test - Reflexive Tues. Mar 20: SUBSTITUTE TEACHER TODAY Wed. Mar 21: • Review of reflexive Thurs. Mar 22: • Jeopardy - Review of reflexive Fri. Mar 23: • TEST: Reflexive Mon. Mar 12:
• WEEK 27-A: Worksheet 7.1 Reflexive Verbs p.75-76 Tues. Mar 13: • WEEK 27-B: Worksheet "No hago más na' " Listen to the song AND complete the missing reflexive verbs. LINK: Video Wed. Mar 14: • WEEK 27-C: Reflexive and preterite translated sentences Thurs. Mar 15: • Reviewing reflexive verbs and answers for 27-B and 27-C Fri. Mar 16: • Reviewing reflexive verbs and answers for 27-A Mon. Mar 5:
• WEEK 26-A: Worksheet of Reflexive verb fill-in notes LINK: "La Rutina Diaria y Los Verbos Reflexivos" Tues. Mar 6: • WEEK 26-B: Explain reflexive verbs in your own words LINK: Explanation of reflexives Wed. Mar 7: • WEEK 26-C: Visual Glossary - Reflexive verbs #1-15 • WEEK 26-D: Visual Glossary - Reflexive verbs #15-30 LINKS: Visual glossary template; Vocab list and notes pages for Reflexive Verbs Thurs. Mar 8:reflexive_verb_worksheet_10.pdf • WEEK 26-E: LINK: VIDEO - 11 Weeks Without English • WEEK 26-F: Worksheets REFL-1 and REFL-2 Fri. Mar 9: • WEEK 26-G: Listening activity - Write down what you understand of Agustín's daily routine; note all reflexives you hear LINK: Video to watch • WEEK 26-H: Reflexive Worksheet 10 and 11 Mon. Feb 26:
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER • WEEK 25-A: Practice test on IMPERFECT Tues. Feb 27: • Discussing practice test, reviewing questions Wed. Feb 28: • WEEK 25-B: 8 sentence translations using imperfect Thurs. Mar 1: • WEEK 25-C: Breakup letter Fri. Mar 2: • TEST: Imperfect tense Mon. Feb 19:
NO SCHOOL - PRESIDENT'S DAY Tues. Feb 20: • WEEK 24-A: Worksheet "The imperfect tense in Spanish" (pre-test) Wed. Feb 21: • WEEK 24-B: Worksheets IMP-1 / IMP-2 Thurs. Feb 22: • WEEK 24-C: Worksheet "¿Cómo era antes?" Fri. Feb 23: • WEEK 24-D: Worksheet "Imperfect and Present" Mon. Feb 12:
• WEEK 23-A: Explain the difference between preterite and imperfect in as much detail as you can + some notes Tues. Feb 13: • WEEK 23-B: Notes on Using the Imperfect Tense and the Preterite Tense LINKS: Fill-in notes page, Powerpoint with answer Wed. Feb 14: • WEEK 23-C: Valentine's Activity Day 1 of 2 Thurs. Feb 15: • WEEK 23-D: Valentine's Activity Day 2 of 2 Fri. Feb 16: • WEEK 23-E: Class discussion on how the imperfect works (all students get 10 points) Mon. Feb 5:
• WEEK 22-A: Practice test - Irregular preterite Tues. Feb 6: • Review for test Wed. Feb 7: • TEST: Irregular Preterite Thurs. Feb 8: • WEEK 22-B: Detective story - Read, write a short summary in English, and Fri. Feb 9: • WEEK 22-C: Watch Episode 1 of "EXTR@" and write a summary sentence in preterite every 3 minutes Mon. Jan 29:
• WEEK 21-A: Worksheets - "Conjuguemos Verb Practice - Preterite tense Irregular Verbs" AND "Me trajo este recuerdo" LINK: Video for "Me trajo este recuerdo" Tues. Jan 30: • WEEK 21-B: Preterite practice - translate the VERBS ONLY to Spanish preterite (most are irregular!!) Wed. Jan 31: • WEEK 21-C:[Nothing to turn in - Class participation] LINK: Online vocab flashcards for irregular preterite [DECK 1: Definitions] [DECK 2: Irregular stems] Thurs. Feb 1: • WEEK 21-D: DAY 1:(A) Casi Casi movie notes (English) & (B) 5-10 sentences in preterite (Spanish) to summarize events in movie Fri. Feb 2: • WEEK 21-E: DAY 2:(A) Casi Casi movie notes (English) & (B) 5-10 sentences in preterite (Spanish) to summarize events in movie |
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While I strive to keep all your homework posted here as a courtesy to you and your parents, not all information can be posted here. You are responsible for what we do in class. Do not rely upon this website as an up-to-date, accurate source of info or as a substitute for paying attention. Use this page as a reference only! Archives
May 2018