- Notes: Reciprocal reflexives
- Warmup: Practice with reciprocal reflexives
- Worksheet: Verbos recíprocos - Parte Uno
- Worksheet - Verbos recíprocos - Parte dos
- TAREA #45: Toño y la sirena - Read the story, answer the questions, and underline the object pronouns
- Texbook p.162, Actividad 13
- Practice singing song for World Language Week:
- Review activites from Mon & Tues
- Practice singing song for World Language Week:
- Links: Original Video, Video with lyrics, Handout with lyrics & translation, Handout with lyrics broken down by syllable
- TAREA #46: With your topic for tomorrow's activity, pick 15 related vocab words and define them, then write 5 questions, opinions, or statements of fact related to your topic that you can contribute to the conversation
- In-class speaking activity (score sheets turned it at end of class) [Per. 5 - moves to Friday]
- Movie notes (turned it at end of class) [Per. 5 - Moved to Thursday due to Walk for Life]