Many of you have been emailing me with questions about the CPR project:
- Does it have to be in Spanish? Mostly yes. Your initial investigation can be in English, but summarize it in Spanish. You Reflection can be in English this time, but plan on using Spanish next time. See the example file below to see what that should look like.
- What does "evidence" look like? Photos, video, receipts -- some proof you did what you claim.
- How long should it be? See the example and rubric.
- When is it due? No later than Dec. 2, 2013.
This took me an hour and a half to write, so I expect it will take you 3 - 5 hours.Pay close attention to which sections are in English, which are in Spanish, and the length. As you look through the project, compare each section to the original rubric to see how many points each section is worth.
If you still have questions, email me.