This is TAREA #1, and will be worth homework points!
I'll be keeping these emails for future reference in case I need to contact you, so be sure to fill out the name and email fields carefully! In your message, please include the following:
Tell me a little bit about yourself so I can get to know you. If you can write in Spanish, even better!
1) Pick an interesting fact or cool story to share about yourself.
2) What do you like to do? Hobbies, sports, interests, music, etc. Just one or two things so I have a general idea.
3) What is your favorite thing about Spanish class (or Spanish language, culture, etc.)?
4) What has been your least favorite thing about Spanish class so far (or Spanish language, culture, etc.)?
5) What is something that worries you or makes you nervous about the coming year?
Again, if you can answer in Spanish, great! If not, you soon will be able to. I'm looking forward to working with you this year!