Spanish 2 Regular - 2018 Final Exam Rubric
Overall review links:
* Señor Jordan's videos
* reddit: /u/graaahh's guide to Spanish *
BASICS (Etapa Preliminar & general grammar, vocab, etc.)
* Present tense conjugation & general verb vocab
- Regular verbs (-AR, -ER, -IR)
- Stem changing verbs
- Verbs with irregular yo forms
- Irregular verbs
* Ser vs. Estar, Tener, Ir
* Greetings & getting to know people
* Interrogatives(Question words)
* Adjectives & adjective agreement
- definitions
- matching gender & number
* Gustar & verbs that behave like it
* Numbers 0-30, 31-thousands, masssive chart up to billions
- Telling time
- numbers 0 - 30
- numbers 31 up to 100
- numbers larger than 100 (i.e. 101- 2015)
* Etapa Preliminar bookmark that came with your workbook
- VOCABULARY: Reflexive verbs & daily routines
- Conjugating reflexives
- Reciprocal reflexives (to eachother)
- [Possibly a few reflexive commands]
- Preterite (conjugation, regular and irregular)
Links: California Gurls - Preterite song, Irregular preterites song, Cliffs Notes: Regular pret., Irregular pret., Stem changers, indicators of preterite., SpanishDict, Dr. Lemon, Professor Nelson (incl. practice), videos linked below in overall review
- Imperfect (conjugation, regular and irregular, key words)
- Preterite vs Imperfect (knowing which to use based on context)
Verbs that students should be familiar with by the end of Spanish 1
- IOP (Video 1) (Video 2) (Video 3) (Cliffs Notes) (
- DOP (Video 1) (Video 2) (Review from Indiana University) (Cliffs Notes) (
- Double object pronouns (Video 1) (Video 2) (Cliffs Notes) (
- Pronoun placement rules
*COMMANDS - [Master chart of all commands]
- Tú commands, regular and irregular (Cliffs Notes) (Video: Regular tú) (Video: Irregular tú)
- Usted & Ustedes commands, regular and irregular (Cliffs Notes)
- Nosotros commands, including reflexive (Video 1)
* Prepositions of Location & GIVING DIRECTIONS
- Describing the relative position of objects
- Telling how to get somewhere using directions & commands
* POR & PARA (More notes) (More notes)
- Subjunctive, regular and irregular
(Cliffs Notes: Subjunctive, When To Use It, When to Use It part 2)
* FUTURE TENSE (More notes)
- Countries we have studied in detail
- Famous places, things, or people
- Customs, traditions, holidays