*WEEK 16-A: TRF Monday
Tues. Dec 15:
*WEEK 16-B: (Cancelled - was going to be video notes) VIDEO LINK: Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend
*WEEK 16-C: Worksheet - Stressors & Responses
*WEEK 16-D: Worksheet - How do I cope with stress
*WEEK 16-E: Cornell Note check Week 15-16
Wed. Dec 16:
*WEEK 16-F: Wednesday TRF
Thurs. Dec 17:
VIDEO LINK: Jane McGonigal - The game that can give you 10 extra years of life
VIDEO LINK: How to Use HabitRPG (now Habitica) to Build Strong Habits and Motivation - College Info Geek
*WEEK 16-G: (Only for those who were assigned to do it) - Winter Vacation Assignment: Personal Plan for improving your C/D/F grades
Fri. Dec 18:
Holiday Karaoke in the PAC